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Collective Attempts for Social Transformation Nepal (CAST Nepal) is a national level service oriented non-governmental organization (NGO) registered under Company Act 2063 dated 13 April 2021 based in Lalitpur district, Lalitpur Metropolitan City, Ward 18 and committed to be engaged in the service oriented field, namely Health, Education, Livelihood & Natural Resources Management, Governance and Peace Building, Disaster Risk Management including Climate Change adaptation and risk mitigation activities.
CAST Nepal covers 5 focus areas; Qualitative Education, Health Care, Rural Infrastructure Works, Micro Enterprises Development, Innovative and Integrated Nutrition Interventions for pregnant and lactating, exclusive breastfeeding women and children aged 6 to 23 or 6 to 59 months, Entrepreneurship Skill Development, Vocational Trainings, Women Empowerment & Peace Building. Sponsor children for quality education & promote peace and social harmony driven by evidence-based approach.
CAST has a firm belief that the Community-based marginalized and poverty-stricken families living on subsistence farming, seasonal wage labor, internal migrants in search of short-term employment opportunities and men and women living in both remote, rural and urban poor areas can bring about sustainable community action for economic self-reliance results in the country given the equitable opportunities for their proactive participation.
In the context of federalization in Nepal, CAST will be committed to make significant contributions in the field of sustainable development through social transformation in collaboration with the Government of Nepal, I/NGOs, UN Agencies, Bi-lateral organizations, External Development Partners and key stakeholders in the private sector at federal, provincial and local levels for economic, social development and social change.